Replacing Fear with Joy.


Over the weekend I realized this business is not a dance studio. But a place to break down an individual’s fear.  

As a transwoman fear keeps us safe and often out of harm’s way. 

As a proudly identifying transgender woman I can say there are a number of layers of fear we deal with.  This is not necessarily the same with every transgender individual, but in general transwomen are more likely to be discriminated against and our risk of being attacked and or murdered is higher. Those leading in deaths are “Queer and Trans People of Color.” (QTPOC)

From my personal experience that fear has kept me safe. Until of course it controlled my life, my mind, my soul, and much worse my ego.  I like to look at the ego as the voice of doubt. It is language such as “Could of, Should of, Would of” questions and or doubts we use in our own self-talk.  

The change of approach needed to happen immediately!

Queer Dance Project is not just here to offer a brave space or a proud space.  It’s here to hold those individuals in a space of compassion, caring and to slowly offset fear with joy. 

Cultural fear and the general apprehension of society is a clear result of how you in the cis-het community have been brainwashed.  

So to clarify the moment we step out that door, we are on guard for you.  I do not want to make it sound like every trans individual has these issues.  There are some incredible parental units, family members and adults that recognize their child is gender nonconfoming.  These folx embrace and provide a compassionate living environment.  Sadly this is not the case for many of those children, teens, and or adults. 

There is the second layer of fear, that is where QDP is focusing its changes.  If you have EVER sang, danced, played an instrument in front of a crowd it can be extremely unnerving.  Often debilitating!  

This secondary layer of fear is where my teaching, and business approach is making the greatest shifts.  

TEACHERS, we have done our dancers a disservice! 

By identifying them as the gender assigned at birth because that is how we were taught.  

This has caused harm in many! 

Embracing this hurt and allowing those folx to be able to dance out of fear’s shadows, is a step in the correct direction. 

Away from a culture of uneducated instructor’s that are preserving, upholding, and promoting institutionalized patriarchy, and sexism. 

As a transwoman owning a dance studio, before every lesson if I do not put others fears first and foremost then I have failed myself and this dream.

By: C. Michaels MS, L.Ac.

Queer Dance Project